Jurnack's, Naturally! offers a 24-hour urine iodine loading test through Hakala Research. This in-depth test taken over the course of a day evaluates whole-body sufficiency in iodine, which is crucial for creating the body's thyroid and reproductive hormones.
This test kit is known as the Combination Test, as it also includes the urine iodine spot test, which measures pre-supplementation iodine status. Clients also have the option to include bromide, fluoride, and/or chloride markers to the test for an additional charge. Whereas iodine is useful in every tissue and organ, these substances have no use in the body and actually compete with iodine for binding sites within cells. Knowing their levels in the body can help create a more comprehensive picture of iodine sufficiency. To administer the test, you first ingest a 50mg LugoTab iodine tablet, and then collect urine for 24 hours. (For collection instructions and dietary restrictions, read the FAQs and procedure details.) Iodine sufficiency is then determined by comparing the amount of iodine taken to the amount excreted in the urine. Whole-body iodine sufficiency is reached when 90% or more of the ingested amount is excreted in the urine. After the 24 hours is complete, you ship the test kit to the laboratory using a prepaid label, and within 10 business days, the results are sent to Mary Theresa Jurnack. The final report will show your initial spot test levels, your 24-hour total excretion amount, and the percentage of excretion over the 24-hour period. Included with the cost of the test is a 10-15 minute virtual or in-person consultation with Mary Theresa to discuss your results. Contact us or stop by the store if you are interested in purchasing an iodine loading test kit, or have questions about the test or its add-ons.
Iodine Test
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